Who We Are

About Iniflu

Committed to Innovation and Industrial Flow Vision

Iniflu is a 100% Mexican company dedicated to manufacturing equipment for visualizing industrial processes. Our main areas of focus include level vision in tanks or containers, fluid flow vision in pipelines, and interior tank vision.

Located in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, we have our own technology that enables us to meet the highest quality standards set by our domestic and international clients.

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Years of Experience

Our History

With over 30 years of experience, we have worked with clients across various industrial sectors, primarily in pharmaceuticals, food processing, energy generation, and chemicals.



To be the first choice for companies handling fluids in processes where they need to observe flow, level, or any specific behavior in the process. Providing expert advice and supplying the ideal products for the specific issue at hand.


To have INIFLU spare parts in 100% of the industries using fluids across Latin America. This will allow us to demonstrate our superior quality and highly competitive prices.


Iniflu is a 100% Mexican brand with over 30 years of experience.

We offer specialized services in concept and design, industrial flow vision, spare parts, maintenance, and calibration to optimize the performance of your industrial equipment.
Aplicación de cristales de nivel en tanque industrial de Iniflu

Concept and Design

For each project, we will analyze the work situation and technical specifications, providing guidance on the best selection for your level and flow equipment. Our mission is to be your best option.

Válvulas para nivel y indicador de nivel para calderas de Iniflu

Spare Parts and Maintenance

We provide certified spare parts for Iniflu equipment. If you do not have Iniflu equipment, we can likely assist you, as most of these devices are manufactured according to international standards.


Mirilla de flujo en aplicación industrial de Iniflu

Measurement and Calibration

With our technology, we offer measurement and calibration services for Iniflu equipment, providing solutions for any challenges related to level and flow measurement.

Trabajador de Iniflu supervisando visión de flujo industrial
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Successful Projects


General Questions

In this Frequently Asked Questions section, you will find answers to the most common inquiries about our products, warranties, and services at Iniflu.

INIFLU guarantees the merchandise for defective workmanship and materials that manifest within 12 months from the receipt of the invoice by the buyer. For more information, please refer to our Warranty section.




We offer replacement parts for both Iniflu equipment and other brands.

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